Thursday, March 5, 2015

AIX certification: достойные вопросы (часть 1)

Блуждая по просторам вселенной интернета, порой натыкаешься на довольно интересные вопросы, которые используются в сертификационной программе. Привожу те, которые мне показались интересными. Статья разрослась, поэтому буду добавлять другие сертификационные вопросы в следующих записях блога.
1. Поиск решения проблемы в интернете.
APARs and PTF's are available online via which utility?
A. fixdist
B. instfix
C. lppchk
D. tcbck

2. Увеличение файловой системы на логическом томе
If a file system is the same size as the logical volume on which it sits, does the size of the logical volume increase when the size of the file system that is residing on it increases?

3. Удаление логического тома и файловой системы.
If you remove a logical volume, is the file system that is residing on it removed as well?
A.An error is occured during operation.
B.The contents are removed, but the information about the file system that is not removed.
C.Content and file system are totally removed.

4. AIX мониторинг
A system admin is monitoring a system that recently shown a decrease in performance. Admin suspects that the system may be low on memory and may be paging excessively. Which of the following commands is best to identify a possible paging problem?
A. iostat
B. lsps -a
C. ps
D. vmstat

5. AIX мониторинг
An admin attempted to run sar -u report and received the following error:
sar: 0551-201Cannot open /var/adm/sa/sa07
Which of the following should be scheduled in adm's crontab to enable sar reporting?
A. sar
B. sa1
C. vmtune
D. sa07

6. Файловые системы
The /home filesystem is 100% full and errors are generating trying to increase the size using chfs.
Which of the following options is most likely the problem?
A. /tmp is 100% full
B. /var is 100% full
C. /home is still mounted
D. A user is editing a file residing in /home

7.AIX updates
What is the difference between deferred and concurrent firmware updates?
A. Deferred firmware can be applied concurrently but contains updates that affect the internal program load path, which are not activated until the next time the server is shut down and restarted.
B. Concurrent firmware must be done on all LPARs in the frame at the same time. Deferred firmware can be loaded on each LPAR at a different time and only becomes active when the LPAR is shutdown and restarted.
C. Deferred firmware can only be applied during an outage to the managed system as it will automatically shut the managed system down during its installation.
D. Concurrent firmware is only for minor fixes to the system mircocode while deferred firmware contains major fixes to the service processor.

8. Workload partion
How can an administrator disable Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in a WPAR?
A. Run chattr -E -I sys0 -a enhanced_RBAC=false Reboot the WPAR
B. Run the RBAC wizard and deselect Enable RBAC Reboot the system
C. Run chdev -I mywpar -a enhanced_RBAC=false Reboot the Global Environment
D. Run chwpar -a RBAC=false Reboot the WPAR

9. AIX файловая система
An administrator wants to create a filesystem with a specific logical volume name, disk location, and disk placement. Which pair of commands will allow these attributes to be set during filesystem creation?
A. crfs followed by chvg
B. crlv followed by mkfs
C. mkfs followed by chfs
D. mklv followed by crfs

10. AIX Установка обновлений
How can the emgr -I command be used?
A. To list the currently configured Enterprise Management capabilities
B. To help determine why a fileset is listed as EFIXLOCKED in Islpp output
C. To determine if the Active Energy Manager is currently installed
D. To determine if the Active Energy Manager is currently active

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